SSH client config for users on Linux/Unix
The following assumes:
- you have a
folder with SSH keys (as generated using the instructions for requesting accounts) - and that you received a notification that your account has been activated
- and that you are on the machine from which you want to connect to the cluster.
- and that this machine has OpenSSH 7.3p1 or newer.
Older versions lack several OpenSSH features we need and are incompatible.
1. Create required directories and files if they do not exist yet
mkdir -p -m 700 "${HOME}/.ssh/"
mkdir -p -m 700 "${HOME}/.ssh/tmp/"
mkdir -p -m 700 "${HOME}/.ssh/conf.d/"
touch "${HOME}/.ssh/config"
touch "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts"
touch "${HOME}/.ssh/conf.d/fender"
touch "${HOME}/.ssh/conf.d/generic"
chmod -R go-rwx "${HOME}/.ssh"
2. Configure Certificate Authority's (CA) public key to verify the identity of cluster servers
Append the public key from the Certificate Authority we used to sign the host keys of our machines to your ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts
Open a terminal and copy paste the following commands:
# Create new known_hosts file and append the UMCG HPC CA's public key.
printf '%s\n' \
"@cert-authority corridor*,,*fd-sai,*fd-dai,*fender,*docs-on-bateleur,*fd-* ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGCB51l3C8hBmEvkokKCWHCV+N/69PiKhv6gNEVNGDab CA key for Fender cluster for fender" \
> "${HOME}/.ssh/"
if [[ -e "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" ]]; then
# When user already had a known_hosts file, then
# remove a potentially outdated CA public key for the same machines based on the slurm_cluster_name: fender
# and append all other lines to the new known_hosts file.
sed '/^\@cert-authority .* for fender$/d' "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts" \
| sort >> "${HOME}/.ssh/"
# Make new known_hosts file the default.
mv "${HOME}/.ssh/" "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts"
3. Add include directive to main SSH config file
Use a text editor to add the following line
Include conf.d/*
to the beginning of your ${HOME}/.ssh/config
Important: this Include directive must precede any lines containing Host or Match directives,
otherwise the Include will only apply to a specific set of hosts.
4. Create SSH config file with generic settings
Now we need to configure some generic settings for transparent multi-hop SSH.
Open your ${HOME}/.ssh/conf.d/generic
file in a text editor and add the lines below.
# Generic stuff for key management.
IgnoreUnknown UseKeychain
UseKeychain yes
IgnoreUnknown AddKeysToAgent
AddKeysToAgent yes
# Universal jumphost settings for triple-hop SSH.
Host *+*+*
ProxyCommand ssh -x -q $(echo "${JUMPHOST_USER:-%r}")@$(echo %h | sed 's/+[^+]*$//') -W $(echo %h | sed 's/^[^+]*+[^+]*+//'):%p
5. Create SSH config file for Fender
Now we need to configure transparent multi-hop SSH for Fender.
Open your ${HOME}/.ssh/conf.d/fender
file in a text editor and add the lines below.
- Replace all occurrences of youraccount with the account name you received from the helpdesk.
- Edit the line
IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_ed25519"
to point to the private key file you generated if you did not save it in the default location, which is "~/.ssh/id_ed25519".
# Host settings.
Host corridor*
# Include generic settings for multiple stacks.
Include conf.d/generic
# Default account name when not specified explicitly.
User youraccount
# Prevent timeouts
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 5
# We use public-private key pairs for authentication.
# Do not use password based authentication as fallback,
# which may be confusing and won't work anyway.
IdentityFile "~/.ssh/id_ed25519"
PasswordAuthentication No
# Multiplex connections to
# * reduce lag when logging in to the same host in a second terminal
# * reduce the amount of connections that are made to prevent excessive DNS lookups
# and to prevent getting blocked by a firewall, because it thinks we are executing a DoS attack.
# Name/location of sockets for connection multiplexing are configured using the ControlPath directive.
# In the ControlPath directive %C expands to a hashed value of %l_%h_%p_%r, where:
# %l = local hostname
# %h = remote hostname
# %p = remote port
# %r = remote username
# This makes sure that the ControlPath is
# * a unique socket that is local to machine on which the sessions are created,
# which means it works with home dirs from a shared network file system.
# (as sockets cannot be shared by servers.)
# * not getting to long as the hash has a fixed size not matter how long %l_%h_%p_%r was.
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/tmp/%C
ControlPersist 1m
# Expand short jumphost names to FQDN or IP address.
Host corridor
HostKeyAlias corridor
# Double-hop SSH settings to connect via specific jumphosts.
Host corridor+*
ProxyCommand ssh -x -q $(echo "${JUMPHOST_USER:-%r}")@$(echo %h | sed 's/+[^+]*$//') -W $(echo %h | sed 's/^[^+]*+//'):%p
# Sometimes port 22 for the SSH protocol is blocked by firewalls; in that case you can try to use SSH on port 443 as fall-back.
# Do not use port 443 by default for SSH as it officially assigned to HTTPS traffic
# and some firewalls will cause problems when trying to route SSH over port 443.
Host corridor443+*
ProxyCommand ssh -x -q $(echo "${JUMPHOST_USER:-%r}")@$(echo %h | sed 's/443+[^+]*$//') -W $(echo %h | sed 's/^[^+]*+//'):%p -p 443
6. Login
Done! You can now use the config and login with your ssh client
Back to operating system independent instructions for logins